The root of scoop sake is even more famous for its name Hyakudake. This medicine has been said to have a good therapeutic effect since ancient times, and it is still one of the popular drugs among many people. But if I know how good the medicine is and take it, it will be helpful for my body, right? Now, let’s take a closer look at the efficacy of white powder, various ways to eat it, and what side effects of shovel root are.

Hakushutsu refers to the root of a perennial herb belonging to the chrysanthemum family, which originated in northeastern China and can be found anywhere deep in the mountains in Korea. It grows to 30-80cm in height, has a rough surface and thick round nodes, and a light brown color.It is said that it is also used as a raw material for fragrance therapy these days because it is used as a medicinal material by washing the white-dried roots with water and then cutting them into thin slices and drying them in the sun.

In the past, there were times when the roots of shovelge were mixed with the root of a different plant, but these days, it is correct to call shovelge only with the root of a different plant. Even when used as a medicine, Baekchul is used to stop sweating, so if you need to lose weight, you can drink it and those with weak gastrointestinal and organ abilities expect it to be effective.

The main ingredients of whitening are atractylone and vitamin A, which are good for enhancing digestive organs and immunity.In particular, if you make it with white tea and drink it steadily instead of water, it will help remove waste accumulated in your body smoothly.In addition, it is a medicine that not only strengthens energy but also helps save appetite when you have no appetite due to the summer heat, or when you have major surgery or illness.

I’ll show you how to eat the roots of various Shirade Shopped Sake.Shoppu liquor, which has nothing to throw away from leaves to roots, can be boiled with vegetables or used as a meat package in spring. Then, I’ll check how to eat dried scoop sake.

1. Put 30g of building material in 2L of water for making white tea and boil for about 30 minutes. At this time, it is also good to add a small amount of licorice, jujube, ginger, and ginseng and boil them together. If you think it has sprung up to some extent, take out the ingredients and drink warm white tea or refrigerate the remaining water. If you eat it as drinking water, it is recommended to reduce the amount of dry ingredients in half and drink lightly.

If you don’t want to eat it as it is, you can put it in honey water or add boiled water when making white kimchi or when making sikhye, red pepper paste, and chocheon. Especially for those who have stomach problems, it would be helpful to add white tea to various foods and cook it.

2. We recommend that you can’t eat a round-up tea, and eat a round-making process, and eat a round-up to eat a round of rice. I think it is not difficult to create a building material and powder, so I think it’s better to make it up. If the drying material, dry material, dry and dry the mixture of honey+ powder 1: 1: 1—Please dry the dough is mixed with a 24-hour refrigerated powder 1. The mature fabric is rounded up to eat, and dry machines, and dry, and the amount of the white powder can be able to be able to eat.

I’m going to look at the side effects of Hyakudashi, and no matter how good a medicine is, it can be poisonous if you take it too much, and so on. It is recommended to take an appropriate amount of medicine because it can cause minor side effects such as abdominal pain or diarrhea when overdosed, and serious shovel root side effects such as increased liver levels and jaundice.In particular, pregnant women are prohibited from taking it because it can cause uterine contraction.

When the Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese War, some people escape from the mountains. However, I had come to the mountains before eating, but I was so I’m going to meet the hungry stomach and I was able to meet every day while eating the hungry stomach. After decades, the war was over, he was better to go home, he was better to go home after the war, and he asked him to eat.

This is like this, good white effects of the body is drinking as a drug that is in China and Japan, and Japan, and Japan, I prefer to eat healthy management purposes. Our store is only 100 percent of domestic white and white and pride in the country, and proud of the country that can be trusted. It is enough nutritional ingredients to eat enough nutrients from quality soil and thick and thick and taste, and it can be cooked with a good nutritional ingredients.

Even if you see Scip sake, many people like ginger, many people are confused, and many people are different from the taste of Chinese medicine. Korea also has a thin brown, and black color, China is a dark brown or black color, so it’s better to choose the color.

If you can’t go directly to the drugstore and have to choose from the Internet, it’s better to go through a health food company. In particular, we think that you can taste and smell the natural taste through minimal processing process. In addition, it contains only 100% white powder without iron powder/foreign substances/preservatives/pigments/additives, and we are sending you good food that has been tested for food stability.High-quality and delicious Shirade is available at the Miso Farm Store below.★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★Baekchul/Shopped Sake Root (Domestic): Miso Farm Site [Miso Farm Site]This soybean paste farm specializes in selling fresh health foods at home and abroad ♡행건♡smartstore.naver.comMarch is just around the corner to announce spring, and early spring weather is a change of seasons with severe temperature differences between day and night, so why don’t you take care of your health together? I’ve been Kim Soo-jin of Miso Farm, hoping that tomorrow will be healthier than today while eating steadily.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image