Acupuncture treatment at oriental medicine clinic in Ganguo-dong, where tennis elbow hurts and cannot be cured

Acupuncture treatment at oriental medicine clinic in Ganguo-dong, where tennis elbow hurts and cannot be curedThere are many people who suffer from light arm movements such as washing their face and shaking hands because they affect their occupation. Housewives usually have a lot of inconvenience with their elbows, but let’s take a look at tennis elbows that occur when they use their hands and arms a lot with a strong doctor in Gunggo-dong who knows their shoulders well through this posting.elbow joint structureUnlike the other things that you know, we can move our fingers, and move our fingers to the fingers.The elbow and lower arm is the arm and lower arm is the upper arm of the arm, and the arm of the arm, and the side of the arm of the arm’s arm’s arm.A hand muscle (branded muscle) is connected to the outside of the wrist, and the inner wound and the inner wound and the inner body of the arm.The root muscle of trauma is divided into a long waist side hand, short waist-side hand-side root muscle, branch muscle, and to dig the wrist, and to the wristThe longitudinal muscle is started from the outside of the elbow and move the wrist from the elbow and move the wrist to the finger joint.The finger muscle that acts like the ligament is connected to the far from outside trauma department to the front of the finger and hold the finger and hold the fist.What is tennis elbow?When repeatedly, the tendon and hold a chronic pain in the bone, the bone that is accumulated and the other bone of the arm.The door and easy to open the door and easy-day operation, and easy-day operation.I feel a bit pain when pressing the muscle in the wound, and it is difficult to put the arm.The outside elbow is a small numbness and the other hand, and the strong pain is to lift the arm and the movement of the arm.When pressing the start part of the wound and part of the wound, the pain in the pain in the hand, and the pain in the hand, it may not be able to lose the hands.The pain is strong characteristics of the elbow is strong.How can it be done?Tennis elbow (traumatic hyperinflammation) is also common among athletes and men who enjoy sports, but the actual number of cases is easier for the general public. Tennis elbow is an overuse syndrome, and inflammation occurs when more fatigue damage accumulates while tendon recovery is slow. That’s why housewives with thinner arms develop more symptoms than men with stronger arms. physical examination, Cozen TestA physical examination of tennis elbows includes a cozen test (active examination) to give tension to the carpal extensor and test for tenderness. Excessive force during the examination in a painful condition can worsen, and an experienced oriental medicine doctor’s diagnosis is needed rather than self-diagnosis. ◆ Cozen Test. Patients relax their arms, then clench their fists, stretch their wrists with their thumbs on the floor from the lower arm, and tilt their hips. The examiner lowers their fists to tension the elbow muscles, and then accelerates the outside of the elbow to see if tenderness occurs. If the patient feels pain enough to scream, it is diagnosed as positive.How do you treat tennis elbow?The first thing to consider is to relieve inflammation by relieving severe throbbing and pain, reduce excessive load on narrow areas, and regenerate damage to the carpal extensor base, where inflammation was observed, and return to daily life. More important than treatment, if you take a break and reduce inflammation and pain through proper herbal treatment, you can recover faster. If you use your arms too much and tendon damage is repeated, permanent aftereffects will remain and your recovery will gradually slow, so you should use your arms as little as possible to take care of them. AcupunctureAcupuncture promotes tissue fluid circulation and improves tendon inflammation quickly, so acupuncture is performed on the curved finger acupuncture points in the carpal extensor muscle. In addition, low-frequency electric acupuncture and ICT treatments in Susan-ri help discharge inflammatory substances and pain-inducing substances accumulated in the muscles of the carpal extensor on the lower back of the intestine and lower sensitivity to pain. acupuncture treatmentThe acupuncture treatment is a chemical solution made by extracting drugs that speed up the effectiveness of herbal medicine and injecting them into pain areas and related acupuncture points with an injection syringe. bee-needle treatmentThe effect of sealing acupuncture is good when the pain is severe due to inflammation of the carpal extensor muscles of the elbow. The main ingredient of bee sting is melittin, which increases the speed of blood flow around the inflamed area and exhibits anti-inflammatory effects. During bee sting treatment, it may feel itchy and swollen, but the itching gradually disappears and the inflammation subsides, so please listen to sufficient explanations about the efficacy and side effects before receiving treatment. herbal medicine treatmentIf left unattended for a long time without treatment, the tendon gradually becomes fibrous due to damage accumulated in a bad blood circulation, leaving permanent damage to the tendon and repeated recurrence. In this condition, it is an herbal medicine that facilitates blood circulation and helps remove fish blood and relax muscles, so it can receive a lot of help in treatment. myofascial seizure therapyChuna therapy is found accurately through the promotion process, and treatment is performed to restore the function of SCS fascia therapy necessary for the recovery of this muscle.a strong doctor’s office in Gungo-dongCheungwon Medical Center is located on the first floor across from Dongseong Pharmacy at the 4th entrance of Icheon Government High Traditional Market, so it is easy to access. If you have severe pain with your tennis elbow, you can visit a reliable doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Bundang Cha Hospital’s cooperative medical institution and Gangdong Kyung Hee University’s hospital’s cooperative medical institution accurately evaluates the prognosis and stage of tennis elbow and helps to improve diseases quickly with appropriate treatment.This posting was made based on information from a reliable clinic through medical advertisements and was written in accordance with Article 56(1) and Enforcement Decree of the Medical Act. Treatment procedures can have different effects depending on the individual, and side effects can occur, so please consult your oriental medicine doctor and treat them. #Kanko Higashi Hanpo Clinic #Kanko Higashi Elbow Pain #Kanko Higashi Tennis Elbow감지된 언어가 없습니다.

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